Precision Machinery Systems LLC was founded in 1994. The product lines manufactured by Precision have a very long history and respected reputation in the industry. Both the AUTO-PAK and INTERNATIONAL DYNETICS trash compactor product lines originated in the late sixties, while the TORONITA densifier product line was developed in early 1990 when recycling became an important issue.

Our manufacturing facility, located in York, Pennsylvania, offers complete in-house manufacturing, from design to fabrication to final assembly, painting and testing. This ensures a quality product at competitive pricing.

We offer custom design and engineering services, and can build machines to fit most any situation. We also offer materials testing in our densifiers and de-watering presses.

We also manufacture and “Private Label” trash compactors for many of the leading companies in the waste

Our long history and excellent in-house capabilities make us an industry leader in solving your waste handling needs. At Precision Machinery, we pride ourselves in manufacturing quality built, rugged and long lasting trash compactors, densifiers and recycling equipment. Repair parts and technical help round out the products and services available to our national and international distributors and customers.